Overview: What and why wrfhydropy?

What is wrfhydropy?

wrfhydropy provides an end-to-end python interface to support reproducible research and construction of workflows involving the WRF-Hydro model.

  • Is a Python API for the WRF-Hydro modelling system.

  • Provides tools for working with WRF-Hydro input (preparation) and output (analysis), largely based on xarray.

  • Is tested and coverage is calculated.

The package provides fine-grained control over the model and its inputs and outputs. Generally, high-level workflows are not found here but should be and can easily be built from wrfhydropy.

wrfhydropy facilitates all aspects of working with WRF-Hydro including:
  • compiling

  • setting up experiments (manipulating input files and namelists)

  • running and scheduling jobs

  • collecting output

  • analysis (input and output)

  • sharing and reproducing results (jupyter notebooks)

The wrfhydropy package is user supported and community contributed. That means you can help add to and improve it!

Why wrfhydropy?

The WRF-Hydro model was not originally built with many applications or workflows in mind. Without significant investment in rewriting the code, a scripting language is needed to adapt the FORTRAN model API to something suited to other purposes. Python is a good choice for this secondary API language for a vareity of reasons (widely adopted, multi-platform, great packages for scientific analysis, etc …). Python therefore provides a mechanism for developing a better (for many purposes) model interface that is afforded by the underlying model. For this reason, a few conceptualizations in wrfhydropy are formalized differently than in FORTRAN. These are summarized in Key concepts. The model API as developed in python may begin to make its way back to the underlying FORTRAN code with time.

wrfhydropy was initally developed to handle the WRF-Hydro model testing (wrf_hydro_nwm_public/tests) and, in particularly, the need to be able to easily swap domains while holding model options constant. Another early application was the construction and execuation of ensembles and ensemble forecasts. The examples included in this documentation will grow to show other applications of the package.

Limitations of wrfhydropy

The wrfhydropy package does many things but also has limitations which are worth acknowledging up-front. The development of wrfhydropy has mostly emerged to support testing and other applications of the NWM. While wrfhydropy supports other modes of running WRF-Hydro, the further away from the NWM you get the less likely wrfhydropy will support your needs. This guidance is highly dependent on the differences from the NWM. If the differences are containted in the namelists only, you are likely not going to have issues. But attempting to use the Noah model instead of NoahMP, for example, will simply not work. wrfhydropy is open to changes/enhancements to support your needs, but may require you to implement and test them to get them into the master branch.

wrfhydropy does not provide an in-memory connection between WRF-Hydro and Python. The API is implemented through system calls (Python’s subprocess) and all information between Python and the model passes through disk. There is no magic in wrfhydropy, just convenience: you still need a system and environment in which WRF-Hydro can be compiled and run. (Such as our development docker container.)

Key concepts

Here we summarize a few concepts in wrfhydropy which differ from how WRF-Hydro is generally used. Links are provided to examples.

Object Oriented API

THe wrfhydropy model API follows an object oriented approach. Composition of objects is a theme of the design. That is: core building blocks are put together to form more complicated objects. The separation of concerns of these objects is important (and sometimes challenging), but often rewarding.

Upper case means a class (and will link to the class definition). Lower case means an instance of a class (not linked). The left arrow means object composition, also known as a “has a” relationship.

Core objects:
  • Domain

  • Model

  • Job

  • Scheduler

Higher-level objects:
  • Simulation <- domain, model, job [, scheduler]

  • Ensemble <- simulation, job [, scheduler]

  • Cycle <- simulation|ensemble, job [, scheduler]

The first example in the documentation, End-to-end overview of wrfhydropy: Simulation evaluation details the core objects, their initialization and their composition into a Simulation object.

Namelists: Model and domain sides

Namelists are treated by wrfhydropy in a completely different way than WRF-Hydro model users experience them. The input namelists to the model, namelist.hrldas and hydro.namelist are each split in to two pieces, the model-side and domain-side options. The new namelist files collect many different potential namelists using named configurations. The motivation for this and the details are explained in depth in namelist section of the first example of the documentation.


The notion of a Job is formalized by wrfhydropy and can be a bit surprising to WRF-Hydro users. Jobs are essential model time and frequency interventions into the model namelists. Each job has a different call to the executable and a subdirectory of the run directory dedicated to its provenance and its artifacts. Details are provided in the Job section of the first example of the documentation.